Thursday, September 24, 2015

On my way!

It wasn't until this summer that I realized I loved anything about the journalism field. I always hated writing essays and papers and completely dreaded sitting through English classes. I started off my college career in nursing because I felt as though I could secure a job easily after graduation (like many incoming college students do). It wasn't until a year ago that I realized I had no passion for nursing or the sciences whatsoever. Therefore,  I opted for something that sounded interesting.

I shadowed at a TV station (WoodTV 8) in Grand Rapids as my final project for my first ever Communication class (besides speech classes). WoodTV 8 changed my whole perspective on the communication field. Never thinking I would actually get the gig, I applied for an internship and sat through an interview before my shadowing day was over. Less than two weeks later I was the new intern for the department of community affairs. I had the time of my life. I went on shoots, wrote web stories, took pictures, made photo galleries for the website, worked the weekly Maranda Park Parties, and even started my demo reel.

I don't know where the field of Broadcast Journalism will take me (reporting, production, etc.) but I found what I am passionate about and that's a good start in my opinion!