Thursday, October 29, 2015

Getting to know my Canon T5i

Learning to shoot in manual mode on a DSLR camera for the first time has been nothing short of a challenge for me this past month. Lighting is constantly changing at every angle and this has forced me to really spend some quality time with my 3 new best buds; ISO, F-stop, and Shutter Speed. Getting them to work together nicely not only produces a great image but also sets a specific tone, a mood, an ambiance. You get the picture (no pun intended). My goal is to continue to grow in the art of reciprocity to create a image that evokes an emotion and a response in the viewer. As a photojournalist, this art form must be perfected to a tee so as to be able to capture as many quality images, in a short time span and on short notice, as possible. Wish me luck!

The Journey Starts Here: A Camera Controls Assignment

Panned Action: ISO: 400 Aperture: 4.0 Shutter: 1/125
Wide Depth of Field: ISO: 200 Aperture: 4.5 Shutter: 1/200
Sense of Place: ISO: 400 Aperture: 4.5 Shutter: 1/640

Window Lighting: ISO: 400 Aperture: 3.5 Shutter: 1/200
Rule of Thirds: ISO: 400 Aperture: 4.0 Shutter: 1/50

Extreme Perspective: ISO: 400 Aperture: 4.0 Shutter: 1/50

Silhouette: ISO: 3200 Aperture: 3.5 Shutter: 1/400

Stopped Action: ISO: 800 Aperture: 3.5 Shutter: 1/1600

Blurred Action: ISO: 400 Aperture: 11 Shutter: 1/50
Shallow Depth of Field: ISO: 400 Aperture: 4.5 Shutter: 1/250

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The First Amendment: My Cave Painting

The First Amendment
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."  

Throughout the entire evolution of human existence, one aspect of life has always remained in our nature. Story telling. Early peoples did this through cave paintings, whereas our generation now has media and its various outlets which greatly expanded the universe of storytelling.  Story telling through cave painting was important to not only pass on the history of the cave men and women but also to leave a mark on the world, however insignificant, and say "I was here."

The First Amendment allows our generation to leave our mark in this way as well by protecting the rights each person has to free speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.  "Sometimes it's just adding one voice to many voices or sometimes, it's blazing a trail." As a collegiate photojournalism student it is my right to show truth and expression through the art of photography, leaving a modern day cave painting on the world.